Repair a Tooth With a Dental Filling

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What Is a Dental Filling?
If your tooth has a small area of damage, Dr. Steven Walker may recommend a dental filling in Chesterton, Indiana, to restore it to its proper shape, size, and function. The damaged area of the tooth is removed and then the filling material is placed to restore the tooth.

Why Are Dental Fillings Used?
The most common reason for a dental filling is to restore a tooth that has decay. However, a dental filling may also be recommended for:

– Cracked or broken teeth
– Teeth that are worn because of nail biting, teeth grinding or using your teeth as tools

How Is a Dental Filling Placed?
When you visit our office for a dental filling, our dentist may numb the area with a local anesthetic if necessary. Then our dentist will remove the decay and any debris. Once the area has been tested to ensure that all decay has been removed, it will be cleaned thoroughly. Then the dental filling material will be placed. If composite material is used, a shade will be selected to match that of your natural teeth. The composite material is placed in layers and cured as it is placed. The final filling is shaped and trimmed to reach the desired shape.

Does a Dental Filling Require Any Special Care?
Care for your dental filling in the same way that you would your natural teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. It is also important that you visit Steven P. Walker, DDS at least twice a year for professional dental cleanings and exams.

If you would like to learn more and to schedule a visit, contact our office at 219-926-4321 today.